Thursday, May 28, 2020

Top Posts of January 2008

Top Posts of January 2008 2 These were among the most-visited articles on JobMob during the month of January 2008 according to Google Analytics: 27 Wise Life Tips My wise non-farmer uncle sent along this wise “old farmer's advice”. There are many good lessons that will serve you well before, during and after your job search. How Do You Score on this Human Resources Personality Test? The following is usually called Dr. Phil's Test, after Dr. Phil McGraw tested Oprah Winfrey with it. It's a 2 minute test that HR departments can use to quickly estimate your personality. Curious to know how you'll score?eval Are Hitech Jobs Hell? High salaries, comfortable offices and “reaching for the stars”. Long hours, crazy pace and recovery “sabbaticals”. Are you sure that you want to work for a hitech company?eval How to be a Compassionate Job Seeker Any job search help you can get is a good thing, right? Well, what about any help you can give? Funniest Resume Story Ever While compiling the 150 Funniest Resume Mistakes Ever, I came upon the following anecdote and it was too funny not to pass on

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