Thursday, July 30, 2020

Real Talk How Do I Tell My Partner That I Want to Be Friends With My Ex

Genuine Talk How Do I Tell My Partner That I Want to Be Friends With My Ex Is it conceivable to really be companions with an ex? One lady on Fairygodboss thinks so yet her better half doesn't. She composed into the FGB Community to get some information about ex etiquette.She proceeded to expand on the circumstance, clarifying that she and her ex have been companions throughout recent years, share common companions practically speaking, and see each other at occasions. Her significant other has even met him. As of late, her ex has been experiencing a troublesome time, and she needs to be there for him.It caused me to understand that I need to be this sort of companion to him. I think weve showed that our own, non-sentimental association stands the trial of time, so I feel qualified and nearly constrained to attempt to help him. By and large, I need to reconnect in an increasingly considerable manner. We made arrangements to get together one-on-one, she wrote.Other FGBers reacted to the womans post to offer guidance and offer comparative circumstances theyve been in. At last, four key recommendations emerged.1. First of all, ladies in the FGB Community exhorted that the banner be straightforward with her partner.We concur. It is certainly conceivable to be companions with an ex, despite the fact that the kinship will in all probability be more convoluted than most. While its characteristic to need to be there for a companion, an accomplices emotions are likewise meriting regard. We concur with this analyst, who proposes being open about discussions with any ex. Being straightforward will console a S.O. that theres nothing to cover up, and ideally a situation can be shown up at in which nobody is left inclination uncomfortable.2. She should likewise define a few limits with her ex.Another FGBer connected with state she was in a comparable circumstance, however with the jobs switched. In the event that you do wind up meeting with your ex, she stated, you should set desires for the get together. Theres no should be accusatory and cause the individual to feel like you speculate them of having ulterior intentions, yet you can guarantee no limits will be crossed by setting them in any case. What's more, your S.O. can even assist you with drafting the limits, which can lighten a portion of the pressure they might be experiencing.3. It is useful to help her accomplice to remember her goals, too.While its significant for ones accomplice feel good with the circumstance, it is additionally basic to push the trust they as of now have in you. Regardless of whether an ex winds up having dangerous intentions behind a get together, that doesnt mean you do, as this FGBer brought up. For this situation, the banner is cheerfully hitched and basically a caring individual who wishes to help those she thinks about. What's more, there is nothing amiss with that. Its best that she pick an easygoing, non-date-y area to meet for this, similar to a bistro in the daytime and not a candlelit supper. Keeping the discussion on her exs circumsta nce and not on shared history, as different FGBers called attention to, is likewise insightful. Furthermore, as referenced previously, so is setting desires in advance. Keeping a mate up to date and ensuring everybody included knows about the objective of the get together and its actual reason for existing are crucial.4. Also, in the event that she feels awkward anytime, she shouldnt be hesitant to leave.Lastly, the banner should ensure she never feels as if limits have been crossed. Security and solace level are the most significant factors in this of all, and any ex ought to be conscious of both.Have a relationship (or vocation, or general life) question youd love some criticism on? Post it in the Fairygodboss Community to get counsel from FGB ladies all over.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Google Analytics is Your Recruiting Secret Weapon - Workology

Google Analytics is Your Recruiting Secret Weapon - Workology How Recruiters Can Use Google Analytics As our work in recruitment and hiring becomes more digital, we need tools, reporting, and metrics that help us understand the needs, interests, and activities of our candidates for the positions we are recruiting for not to mention the specific company brand. Thankfully there are ways in order to accomplish this that require some planning, but provide talent acquisition  leaders with a more holistic look at the digital recruiting landscape. Ive said before that at the center of your recruitment strategy is your career site. Its the one piece of online real estate your company owns and controls. You are in charge the experience and not just renting space. Because thats exactly what is happening with employer review sites, social networks, and job boards. You are paying for access or are using their platform if it is free. However, they are in control and can dictate the terms of experience, the collection of data and information, and for a fee, your competitors can use advertising to drive your community members and profile visitors to another place. How Recruiters Can Use Google Analytics Google Analytics is a free tool for websites to monitor online web activity and visitor reporting. The reporting tool allows for recruiting teams to monitor activity on their allowing them to better understand online job seeker behaviors and habits. This tool  allows recruiters to gather more data and information around online sources of job seeker traffic including social media, job boards, and employee reviews sites which then allows recruiting teams to better assess the ROI of these digital recruiting tools. Google Analytics provides you and your talent acquisition  team specific web-specific activity including the following: Type of device and browser used to access your web pages.  The tool provides you data on browser usage like Chrome vs. Explorer and device type. This includes desktop, mobile, and tablets providing you insights into how many candidates are accessing your site with a mobile device. Time on site.  How many minutes or seconds are candidates spending on your website? What pages are they lingering longer on and how deep within the website are they digging. Traffic sources.  This is important when considering paid vs. unpaid traffic not to mention your sources of hire that are netting the highest quality candidates. If you arent using Google Analytics, you are probably unaware that both Indeed and Glassdoor can provide free job seeker referral traffic. This data is important to have because it helps you plan on the type of digital recruiting investments your talent acquisition  team wants to make. Web traffic.  Sources are important but so is understanding which days have the highest traffic on your site. This helps with job post planning and other digital as well as in person recruiting campaigns. For example, you might find that a landing page for a career expo produces better results before the event versus after the fact leading you to do more pre-marketing and planning with job seekers using social media or with the local college, university, and chamber of commerce. Secrets to Setting Up Google Analytics Access to all this data and information from Google Analytics can provide you so many insights and nuggets of wisdom in your recruitment planning. For example, one of my clients made a simple change to their job postings adding a second apply now button to the top of the every job posting while also changing the button color to draw more attention to the call to action. The company wanted higher candidate conversion rates after spending so much time and money driving them to the postings. With the small change of button color and adding an additional one, we say an increase in 200% conversion over a period of 90 days. Setting up Google Analytics is easy and free. The hardest part is working with your IT department to add the required code to the career site itself. You or IT will need a Gmail account in order to set up. From there you and your IT team can decide whether to allow for shared access between IT and recruitment or if you want to share reporting access to other Gmail accounts. IT teams tend to like the shared reporting access option because they can control security and revoke reporting access should someone exit the organization who had access to the reporting and data information.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

6 Secrets To Getting A Job That Pays 6 Figures

6 Secrets To Getting A Job That Pays 6 Figures How would you find a new line of work where you make a six figure pay? A large number of us might want to discover how to make more, and making $100,000 is an achievement that numerous individuals need to accomplish. What are the abilities and things you have to do so as to make this objective a reality? You might be astonished to discover that this salary level is a more attainable than you thinkand that settling on some strategic choices and doing some examination and arranging will help you along your way.1. Do Your ResearchTo win 6 figures, you have to pick a calling that pays 6 figures.If you imagine that this salary level is held for CEOs, specialists or legal counselors, you might be astounded to discover that six-figure pay rates exist in a lot more subtle callings. Contingent upon where you live and what organization you work at, Fairygodboss pay database shows you can make $100,000+ per year as a salesman, programming designer, brand supervisor, lawful expert, executive of account, or even a development manager.In short, on the off chance that you need to acquire a six-figure pay, know that you may need to concentrate on where the cash is. Sort through compensation databases, and being careful in your exploration will assist you with securing positions where your inclinations and cash objectives align.2. PersevereA six-figure compensation may not emerge overnight.Sometimes your expert advantages are a counterpart for that target 6-figure position, yet for some explanation, it requires a significant stretch of time to arrive. Some activity positions necessitate that you work a set number of years in that industry to meet all requirements for a particular pay level. Consider specialists, for instance. Of course, they can acquire a considerable amount in private practice, yet it takes long periods of instruction (read: understudy advances) and low compensation in a residency program before they hit the money related big stake. No one but you can choose w hether the exchange off merits the moneybut if your heart is determined to both a high pay and working in a calling you love, continuing through to the end will feel worthwhile.3. NegotiateDont depend on consideration. Regardless of whether youre landing your first position or your fifth, the compensation offer you get is frequently probably not going to be irrefutably the primary concern. Exchange is one approach to ensure that you are procuring the greatest sum you merit. In the event that youve done your examination and youre not winning your fairly estimated value, your compensation may become secured to a lower number for longer than you might suspect. Each resulting raise, advancement, or even future occupation arrangement, may lead your director or imminent business to consider what you were formerly making. So start off on the correct foot by requesting more. Whats the most terrible that can occur? In the event that the appropriate response is no, at any rate youve attempted and you wont lament asking in a couple monthseven on the off chance that it feels ungainly at the time.4. Be ConfidentIf youre feeling modest about whether you have the right to cause six figures, to get over it! No one will pay you a six-figure pay on the off chance that you demonstration like you dont merit it. Own up to your expert worth. While essentially accepting youre worth $100,000 per year isnt the main thing that will get you there, no one is going to drop that much money in your lap on the off chance that you cant in any event trust in yourself and what you can offer.5. Make a PlanSometimes there just arent alternate routes, and you need to work your way to the certainty and experience that a six-figure job requires. In the event that you start off in a vocation that pays short of what you need, dont despair. You can buckle down, continue searching for related situations in the equivalent or diverse organization, and go after an advancement or new position when youve inc reased a greater amount of the aptitudes and experience you have to procure a higher salary.Managers make more than passage level laborers for a reasonthey know more and have greater duty. While you shouldnt accept that the death of years alone will promise you arrive at that compensation objective, dynamic vocation arranging will assist you with arriving sooner than you may think.6. Take Some RisksIt sounds outlandish yet once in a while the surest method to land a six-figure pay is to tune in to your gut and accept a position that doesnt offer that compensation level. Making a few forfeits and grasping vulnerability will regularly drive you to something that will turn out to be monetarily lucrative.For model, you may have the chance to assistant unpaid for an industry chief, which could set you up for some uncommon future chances. Or on the other hand you may truly accept that a beginning up (that cant bear to pay you a ton at this moment) will turn into the following large thing. Enduring it makes those investment opportunities significantly more important than they look now on that offer letter. The fact is: theres an explanation behind the saying No hazard, no reward.7. System: No Woman is an IslandNobody can accomplish greatest profession successwhich is at any rate somewhat estimated by moneyon their own. Regardless of whether youre a social creature or a thoughtful person, putting forth a coordinated attempt to fabricate associations with others is significant to arriving at your money related objectives. Your associations at work and in your industry can assist you with handling another position, get familiar with how to change enterprises, or essentially bolster your odds of being advanced. So arrange, organize, arrange. Here are some smart thoughts about where to begin building systems that can bolster your money related objectives.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Online Information Predicting Your Future

Online Information Predicting Your Future If you are a senior professional in2010, you likely have a web page, a blog post, Linkedin profile, Facebook Page, Twitter profile and a significant Google presence. Maintaining a professional profile is important in managing your career but did you know that the information you post could be used by an employer topredictyour future within their organization? Predictive analytics isthe use ofalgorithms todetect patterns and connections in life to predict future events. A new company in this field, Recorded Futureis featured in anarticle inMacleans, Corporate Mind Games,as the worlds first temporal analytics engine.By scanning information from websites, news stories, blogs and Twitter pages for links between individuals, groups and incidents in the past and applyingTemporal Reasoning they are citing theability to predict events that havent yet happened. Using past information to predict future events is nothingnew as financial data has beenused for many years toanalyzean individuals credit worthiness. A history of outstanding payments and late payment fees is a good indication of how future payments will be made.In addition to financial information we now have access to a tremendous amount of personal and professional information available online.HR departmentshave the potential toaccumulate and analyze this information topredict thefuture of their employees. Is it possible that your historywillindicate the next time you will call in sick or when you will change jobs?

Thursday, July 2, 2020

More Job Search Tips Strategies for Busy 6- and 7-Figure Executives

More Job Search Tips Strategies for Busy 6- and 7-Figure Executives I have the distinct honor of advising many top executives from around the world on executive job search strategies. You see, networking and job searching for a top executive does pose unique challenges. A C-level executive in a job search typically isnt going to get much traction from calling up their friends and asking if their company might need a new President or COO. Historically, executives have relied on executive recruiters to bring them opportunities or networking; a painfully slow process at the top executive level. Recruiters can bring the occasional opportunity, but it usually comes with built in competition. Truthfully, executive recruiters only receive a certain amount of President and CXO job search orders to fill each year. So here are some additional tips and alternatives for your executive job search as you strategize on the best method for yourself. Direct Mail for High Visibility Executives I have seen many high visibility executives successfully conduct direct mail campaigns. (I have a reputable direct mail service so if you want a personal introduction to the president of that company, please call me at 830-331-9398.) If you are a highly visible key executive who is presently employed, you are probably interested in protecting your interests and identity. There are many ways I advise my senior level clients to do this. If you have your own website (, you can password protect it. You can also use a mediator when sending letters to targeted companies in your industry of interest, hiding your identity and vetting interested party calls through a trusted third party who doesnt mind screening calls on your behalf. Once the company and opportunity are known, and provided you are interested, you may divulge your identity at that time. Private Agents There are two companies in the US that I know of who are both reputable and work to represent clients (meaning you, the executive job seeker). In other words, the difference between a private agent and a recruiter is that the company pays the recruiter (thus, they represent the company, not you in terms of their interests). YOU pay an executive agent, and that agent will actually make calls and work on your behalf to get you interviews. They will help you develop your marketing strategy, develop your marketing collateral, prep you for interviews, and act as your private sounding board as you are negotiating your compensation package. They can help your leverage yourself in the market and your return on investment can be very, very lucrative. However it is expensive to hire someone who is qualified to perform all these duties on your behalf, so consider this fair warning. *INSERT SMILEY* Many executives use these services with great success. If you want me to connect you to my sources , just give me a call. Top Retained Executive Recruiting Firms I have a list I give to my executive clients of top recruiting firms. There are two ways I generally suggest that you reach out to them: If you are conducting a private, passive search, then call the top 10 firms (like your Korn/Ferrys) and let them know you are considering moving and would like to speak to one of the firm principals confidentially. Do this, one by one, with each top firm on your list. If you are less concerned about privacy issues, you can set up an email distribution and send your resume and a value proposition letter to a wider group of retained recruiters that place top executives. I have a large list that I send out for my clients for $249. Its a painless and relatively inexpensive way to cover a lot of ground at once with the reputable recruiting firms both in the US and if needed, internationally. I hope this insight empowers you and ignites your enthusiasm for your job search! There are many ways for executives to keep control of the job search process and many strategies from DIY to DFY (Done-for-You), depending on your time and budget, that can yield powerful results. Read the original article,  Best Job Search Strategies for Executive Level C-Level Jobs. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window)