Thursday, July 9, 2020

Online Information Predicting Your Future

Online Information Predicting Your Future If you are a senior professional in2010, you likely have a web page, a blog post, Linkedin profile, Facebook Page, Twitter profile and a significant Google presence. Maintaining a professional profile is important in managing your career but did you know that the information you post could be used by an employer topredictyour future within their organization? Predictive analytics isthe use ofalgorithms todetect patterns and connections in life to predict future events. A new company in this field, Recorded Futureis featured in anarticle inMacleans, Corporate Mind Games,as the worlds first temporal analytics engine.By scanning information from websites, news stories, blogs and Twitter pages for links between individuals, groups and incidents in the past and applyingTemporal Reasoning they are citing theability to predict events that havent yet happened. Using past information to predict future events is nothingnew as financial data has beenused for many years toanalyzean individuals credit worthiness. A history of outstanding payments and late payment fees is a good indication of how future payments will be made.In addition to financial information we now have access to a tremendous amount of personal and professional information available online.HR departmentshave the potential toaccumulate and analyze this information topredict thefuture of their employees. Is it possible that your historywillindicate the next time you will call in sick or when you will change jobs?

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